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Scrivener for Windows v1.2.5.0 - Full


Scrivener for Windows v1.2.5.0 - Full

Literature and Latte Ltd Scrivener v1.2.5.0 - Full 
Incl. Keygen-Lz0 

Scrivener is a powerful content-generation tool that allows writers to 
concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents. 
While it gives complete control of the formatting, its focus is on 
helping users get to the end of that awkward first draft. Scrivener lets 
writers work in any order they want and gives them tools for planning 
and restructuring their work . Whether you like to plan everything 
in advance, write first and structure later, or do a bit of both, Scrivener 
supports the way you work. Scrivener runs on Windows, Mac and Linux and is 
used by all kinds of writers including novelists, short-story writers, 
screenwriters, playwrights, comedians, lawyers, journalists, lecturers, 
academics and students, biographers and memoirists, business and 
technical writers, comics and graphic novel writers, translators, 
songwriters and more. 

Scrivener for Windows will run on Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP with Microsoft Redistributable C++ Runtime installed. If you have problems launching Scrivener with Windows XP, please read the TROUBLESHOOTING section for steps on how to resolve this. 

To install Scrivener, just double-click the Scrivener installer icon 
and follow the prompts. 

Note that if you have ever used Scrivener Beta, it is strongly 
recommended that you uninstall all instances of it from your computer 
before installing Scrivener. 

When you first run Scrivener, the new project dialog will be 
displayed. If this is the first time you have used Scrivener, you will 
most likely want to open up the 'Interactive Tutorial' first (see 

If Scrivener fails to launch and the following Windows error message 
"This application has failed to start because the application 
configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this 

This is due to the Microsoft Redistributable C++ Runtime not being 
installed on your machine. This is easily fixed by opening Windows 
Explorer and navigating to the folder where Scrivener was installed. 
In the Scrivener folder, you will find a folder called 'resources'; 
in this folder is another called 'vcpp runtime'. Open the 'vcpp runtime' 
folder, double-click on the 'vcredist_x86.exe' file within it and 
follow the installer prompts to install the missing Microsoft 
Redistributable C++ Runtime files. 

In most cases, the path to the Microsoft installer will be similar to
the following

For 32bit Windows: C:\Program Files\Scrivener\resources\vcpp 
For 64bit Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\Scrivener\resources\vcpp 

Changes in Scrivener 1.2.5 (August 14, 2012) 


• Scrivener translated to Italian. 
• Scrivener translated to Sci-Fi 
• Bulgarian translation updates. 
• Added Replacements panel in compile. 
• Added FDX Export. 
• Updates to Tutorial and Manual. 

Additional <$> fields: 

• <$compilegroup> 
• <$projecttitle> 
• <$shortdate> 
• <$longdate> 
• <$longtime> 

Bug Fixes 

• A rather nasty bug to do with Aspell and foreign dictionaries caused a configuration error that prevented some users opening and creating Scrivener projects. 
• Another very nasty bug came to light where side-by-side assemblies for the Microsoft 2008 C++ redistributable broke for certain users. Scrivener has been entirely updated and now compiled with the Microsoft 2010 C++ Redistributable to overcome this issue. 
• Prefix and suffix not included in compile when 'Title' was unchecked in Compile Formatting pane. 
• Compile using the <$n> auto-numbering code in a title prefix, the first instance comes out blank, then the second instance starts at 1 and increments after that. The same occurs with <$t> and <$r>. 
• TAB key does not expand table when in last cell. 
• Image Drag & Drop Replication. 
• Delete Collection Icon should be disabled for Search tab. 
• The Grab Screen dialog should automatically hide when a grab action is triggered. 
• If the same document is open in both editor splits and text is selected in one and dragged to the other, if it is dropped in the same location where it came from (at the end of the selection), the text is entirely deleted. "Undo" will correct this but needs to be hit twice, as the first undo gives a duplicate copy of the dragged text. 
• Using the export function with "Draft" folder selected results in an error i.e. Export failed, or Export with errors. 
• Merging two files with snapshots only keeps final file snapshot. 
• Keep Up to Date menu item broken. 
• Binder editing font does not match display font. 
• BBCode fixes to bullet lists and added support for quotes and code block inserts using > and {. 
• Scratch Pad screen split icons were reversed for horizontal and vertical. 
• Text missing from ODT paste. 
• Synopsis deletion & crash on dragging text. 
• Project Search always uses "Excluded". 
• Fail to open Scrivener projects with double click via Explorer when Scrivener closed. 
• E-pub: Text justification CSS are overridden by wrapping style. 
• MathType toolbar button needed in Customize Toolbars dialog. 
• Over-aggressive substitions has been given a sedative. 
• Splitting a document does not carry over meta-data. 
• Em-dashes are converted to double-hyphens in MMD. 
• RTF export via export or drag and drop from binder resulted in corrupt annotations and footnotes in text. 

Work in Progress 

I'm very excited to announce that we currently have volunteers translating Scrivener into:- German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Turkish, and Chinese. We are about to dive into another major development phase for Scrivener - all very exciting with lots of good things coming. 


Read Note.txt !!