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MathType 6.8 - Full Free Download


MathType 6.8 - Full 
Incl. Fixed Keymaker-CORE 
Released : May 05, 2012

MathType is a powerful interactive equation editor for Windows and Macintosh that lets you create mathematical notation for word processing, web pages, desktop publishing, presentations, elearning, and for TeX, LaTeX, and MathML documents. 

Works with 600+ Applications & Websites
Here are a few of the most popular

• Microsoft Office 
• Apple iWork '09 
• Adobe InDesign 
• iBooks Author 
• Mathematica 
• Maple 
• GMail 
• OpenOffice 
• Blackboard 
• Moodle 

More Ways to Create Equations

• Entering Math by Hand: 
- Enter equations as easily as you would write math with paper and pencil! This feature uses the built-in handwriting recognition in Windows 7. 
• Point-and-Click Editing with Automatic Formatting: 
- Create equations quickly by choosing templates from MathType's palettes and typing into their empty slots. MathType applies mathematical spacing rules automatically as you type. 
• Keyboard Shortcuts: 
- Save time using keyboard shortcuts. MathType has customizable keyboard shortcuts for virtually every symbol, template, and command. 
• Type TeX or LaTeX: 
- If you already know the TeX typesetting language, you can enter equations directly into MathType or Microsoft Word documents. TeX editing can be mixed with point-and-click editing so you get the best of both worlds. You can even paste in equations from existing TeX documents. 
• Copy-and-Paste: 
- If you created your equation in another application or found one on a website, why take the time to create it by hand again? Simply copy-and-paste it directly into MathType, and it is ready to edit or use in your work. 
• Save Expressions in the Toolbar: 
- Drag frequently used equations and expressions to the MathType toolbar so they can be inserted later with just a click or a keystroke. 
• Supports Microsoft Office 2010 (both 32- and 64-bit), 2007, 2003, and XP (2002) 
• Microsoft Office 2007 & 2010 — MathType Ribbon Tab in Word and PowerPoint: 
- MathType takes full advantage of Office's Ribbon User Interface making it easier than ever to do equation operations in documents and presentations. New equation numbering and browse features work with all Word equation types. 
• Microsoft Office 2003 and XP (2002) — MathType Toolbar and Menu in Word and PowerPoint: 
- MathType adds a toolbar and menu to Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, allowing quick access to its features and powerful commands to do equation numbering, produce great-looking math web pages, presentations, and much more. 
• Find Symbols: 
- MathType's Insert Symbol dialog allows you to explore the available symbols and insert them with a click or keystroke. 

System Requirements 

• Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows Vista, or XP. 
• 12 MB free hard disk space. 
• MathType will run on any Windows computer. MathType is not RAM-intensive so listing its requirements is not necessary. 
• CD-ROM for installation (not required if product is downloaded via the Internet). 
• MathType 6.8 for Windows works with Microsoft Office 2010, 2007, 2003, and 2002 (XP). 

Changes in MathType 6.8 (May 05, 2012) : 

• Works with 64-bit Microsoft Office 2010: You need MathType 6.8 for Windows 
• Compatibility with 600+ applications and websites: Posterous, Quora and 40+ other applications and websites join Microsoft Office, Apple iWork, Mathematica and hundreds of other that work with MathType. 
• Paste a table from a spreadsheet, document, or web page into MathType as a matrix: MathType lets you copy a table from a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel), document (e.g. Word), or web page, and paste it into MathType as a matrix. 
• MathPage for Word 2010 and 2007: Our MathPage™ technology now converts Microsoft Word 2010 and 2007 documents into web pages, properly handling mathematical symbols. Will also display properly for people with print disabilities. 
• Authoring for Accessibility: As part of our work with the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and others in the accessibility community, we have made a number of improvements in MathType so that it is more useful for authoring content to be read by people with various print disabilities, such as blindness, low vision, and learning disabilities. Our new Exact Speech command overrides the speech automatically generated by MathPlayer for a selected expression or symbol. This is important in a number of situations, such as in assessment where the automatically generated speech text might give away the answer. 

MathType 6.8 equations are compatible with MathType 6.x and 5.x equations so you can continue to work with other MathType users even if they haven't upgraded yet. When you upgrade to MathType 6.8 any changes you've made in your installed version of MathType, including keyboard shortcuts, toolbars, preferences, etc. will be retained.