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Microsoft website loophole: Buy Windows 8 Pro for Cheap $15


Microsoft website loophole: Buy Windows 8 Pro for Cheap $15

A loophole in Microsoft website now allows anyone to buy Windows 8 professional for just $15. This offer was previously available only for those who purchased Windows 8 PC after June 2nd. But now due to a loop hole in the Windows upgrade offer website anyone can buy Windows 8 pro cheap for just under $15.
For getting this offer you just have to mention (or lie Winking smile) that you’ve bought a Windows 7 PC after June 2nd this year. With this you can buy windows 8 for discounted price which was earlier available only for late windows 7 buyers.
So if you have not yet download Windows 8 full version, just follow the below steps to get original windows 8 licence for less price.
How to get Buy Windows 8 Pro Original licence for Cheap
Go to Windows Upgrade Offer website.
Choose your Location.
windows 8 pro cheap
In the next screen, click on continue. [Here the upgrade offer is mentioned but only valid for Windows 7 buyers after June 2nd.]
Now in the next screen, fill out your information and here you’ll have to lie that you bought a windows 7 PC before June 2nd. The website bug is actually located here. When you enter any date closer to June 2nd, you’ll be asked for a Windows 7 key but if you’re entering a date in September like Sep 1st, the website will skip the requirement of Windows 7 serial number and you’ll be registered.
After this step, you’ll get a confirmation email from Microsoft titled “Windows Upgrade Offer Registration Confirmation” and in a short while you’ll receive another email where you’ll be given a link to proceed with the upgrade for Windows 8 and you’ll get a promotional code.
From here, you’ll have to download a upgrade assistant on your PC. And when you reach the purchase screen or order confirmation page[it’ll show windows 8 cost as $39.99 at this point] there will be an option to enter promotional code. Just enter the code which you have got earlier and the price of Windows 8 pro will be reduced to $15.

So head on to Window 8 Upgrade website and buy Windows 8 original license for cheap.