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DirectX11 offline installer Full Version 100% Work (Direct Link)


DirectX11 offline installer Full Version 100% Work (Direct Link)

irectX® 11 is the very latest in high-speed, high-fidelity gaming and computing. Featuring technologies like Compute Shaders, Direct2D, Multithreaded Rendering and Tessellation, DirectX® 11 can enable not just more visually stunning games, but significant performance improvements in some of your favorite websites and everyday applications.Installation Notes for All Platforms:
■ This SDK installs on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista using Visual Studio .NET 2003 or 2005.

■ Before installing the current DirectX SDK, remove previous versions of the DirectX SDK.
■ Some samples require that you install the latest Microsoft Windows SDK (Platform SDK) on your system.
■ If you encounter compilation issues related to the DirectX headers, make sure that the include directories in Visual Studio are set correctly. On the Win32 platform, make sure that there is a reference to the DirectX headers. "$(DXSDK_DIR)include" should appear in the include directory "$(VCInstallDir)Include."
■ SDK Installation to a network share is not supported. Some components (documentation and managed samples) do not run.
■ Several virus protection software applications interfere with SDK installation. They may require you to disable virus protection software until SDK installation is completed.
■ If you encounter the error message "A cabinet file is necessary for installation and cannot be trusted" during installation, your system may be corrupted, or cryptographic services may be disabled. To resolve the problem, try the following:
■ Enable cryptographic services. On the Start menu, right-click My Computer, and then click Manage. The Computer Management window appears. In the left navigation pane, click Services and Applications. In the right pane, double click Services, and then double-click Cryptographic Services. The Cryptographic Services Properties property sheet appears. On the General tab, make sure that Service Status is Started, and that Startup Type is Automatic.
If you are running Windows on a FAT32 drive, run scandisk.
■ Try the resolution steps in Detecting digital signing issues in Windows XP.
■ Try the resolution steps in You cannot install some updates or programs.
■ Remove temporary files in %temp%. If you are installing end-user runtime, also remove "%windir%system32directxwebsetup Error."
■ External firewall programs may indicate that the file InstallDeveloperFiles.exe wants to access the Internet. This is by design, and should be enabled.