11 Quick Tricks You Need To Learn Before Upgrading To Windows 8
11 Quick Tricks You Need To Learn Before Upgrading To Windows 8 2013
We realize that it may be a little difficult to find your way around your new computer, so we put together this list of tips and tricks so you can figure out how to do necessary things like taking a screenshot, multitasking, and more.
First, let's learn how to take a screenshot in Windows 8
Your screenshot will be saved as a photo in the Pictures folder in your library.
Its easy to search too...
A neat addition is the ability to access Bing and other built in services. For example, if you search for a restaurant, you can find it on the map or visit its website all from the quick search menu.
Now, lets learn how to navigate the new Start Screen.
If you have a touch-enabled laptop, simply swipe right and left to move between the icon sets. The first few house all of your important apps like Mail, Calendar, Photos, People, Messaging, Weather and the ever-important Desktop.
If touch isn't your thing or you don't have it, you can also use the keyboard.
Press the Home or End keys to move from one end of the Start screen to the other. You can also use the arrow keys to select a particular app.
Pressing the Enter key will open apps.
To get back to your start screen at any time, just press the Windows key on your keyboard. The Windows key is your savior if you are ever stuck and can't get out of somewhere.
Check out Microsoft's Store to download some of your favorite apps.
After you download a few apps you can rearrange them a couple of ways. If you have a touchscreen, simply press and hold an icon and drag it to where you want.
You can also click and hold with your trackpad/mouse to move things around.
To get more control over your Start screen's apps select and app and push the space bar. This will allow you to unpin apps from the start screen, unpin apps from the taskbar, uninstall apps, and even open them in a new window.
How to personalize your Start screen and desktop
Take your mouse and push it into the top right corner of the start screen. This will bring up a few important icons: Search, Share, Start, Devices, and Settings. This is called the Charm Bar.
Click Settings.
At the bottom right corner of the screen, you will see an option for "Change PC Settings."
From there click on "Personalize" at the top of screen.
You can change your lock screen image, tweak the start screen image, and pick your account picture, all in one swoop.
Get to the quick access menu
It's easy to pull up this critical menu. You can either right-click in the bottom left corner (or hold down the Windows key and press X) for a text-based menu.
Use two apps at once to maximize screen real estate.
First, open an app you want to multitask with, like Mail.
Push the Windows button to return to the Start screen and open another app, like Internet Explorer.
While inside Internet Explorer, take your finger and drag from the left edge of the screen towards the right. You'll see the mail (or whatever app you chose) beneath your finger.
Continue holding and drag the app to the far right corner and wait for it to pop out. It will be remain in the right panel and you should be able to see and interact with both apps at once. You can use the black divider in the middle to control the position and size of the app.
You can use apps in classic Desktop mode that looks just like Windows 7
Inside the Desktop, it looks very much like Windows 7; you have the Recycle Bin and other apps. This is where most of your nitty gritty computing will get done at in Windows 8.
Master Internet Explorer...
The app lives in full-screen and everything you need is either a swipe or click away.
To begin, click the Internet Explorer tile from the Start menu.
Right-click an empty part of the page or flick your finger down from the top of the screen, and you'll see some options to create and switch between tabs, as well as a Refresh button, a Find tool, and an option to pin website shortcuts to the Start menu.
To open the desktop version of IE, click on the spanner icon and select "View on the desktop."
Know about your privacy
Press the Win+I buttons together and click More PC Settings. Next, select Privacy and slide the three options to off.
It's easy to safely shut down your computer.
The menu bar will appear.
Next, select settings and toward the bottom in the middle you will see a "power" button.
Click that and you will have several options including: Sleep, shut down, and restart.