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Tricks of the Internet Guru


Tricks of the Internet Guru

If you want to do anything online in a particular niche, you should strive to be an internet guru. Why am I saying this? Do you have to be a leading internet guru to be successful in your niche? No, but there comes a point where people are going to need to know what you do and that you do it well, otherwise the market leaders will take over your business.

Let's examine this. It's more of an unwritten law. People buy products from people that they know and trust. Online people have choices. If you have the same product, same service, same everything, who you do think people will buy from, A the person that they know or B the person they don't know? People will buy something from someone that they know. It's been that way for years.

It takes a lot for a person to get in front of the limelight. Now let's say we have the guts to go ahead and do it. We are putting out regular content everyday. This is something that you just have to learn upfront. Nobody is ever liked 100% of the time. This statement is just something you have to learn upfront and before you start. Because as soon as you stick your neck out, you'll have people writing things about you in a good or bad light, so don't take it personal.

I remember the first time someone had the nerve to post something bad about me. I couldn't work for the rest of the day. I was so mad and I couldn't get this off of my mind. But here lies the key. You can't let stuff like this bother you or you'll never make it.

People have the nerve to do a lot of things to other people, but once you get it through your head that nobody is 100% liked, this will help you in the long run. Stop and think about this for a minute. What would happen if that could happen? This world would be boring and that person would have a lot of power.

Criticism as it stands helps out society in a way. Mother Theresa had critics; Gandhi had a lot of critics. Name just about anyone popular, they all have critics. It just comes with the territory. Once I finally came to grips with this, it helped me out a lot.

Think about this for a moment. It can be good that someone just doesn't like you for some reason. People with either agree with you on something or they will disagree with you on a matter. You have to take a side and so do your clients.

Becoming an internet guru is the real key. We are all familiar with sales training and the how tos of how to get from point A to B

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