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SAM Method Save your Unlock Ticket


SAM Method Save your Unlock Ticket

The recently released SAM iPhone unlock method by Loktar_Sun may seem a bit confusing to some. In essence, what you are doing is you are manipulating the SAM application to trick iTunes into thinking that your temporary unlock ticket is an actual, full-fledged, unlock ticket. Even if Apple patches this unlock method, you should still be able to use it as long as you save your unlock ticket. You can also use this method with multiple different carriers by creating a separate unlock ticket for each carrier SIM that you want to use on your iPhone.

We don't know how long, if ever, before Apple closes this hole, so MuscleNerd suggests saving your unlock ticket immediately. Your ticket is saved automatically by SAM, if you wish to manually back it up in case you ever restore your iPhone or something, the files are located in "/var/root/Library/Lockdown" Make sure you back up all the files/folders here.