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iPad Tips: How To Delete Cookies for Individual Websites


iPad Tips: How To Delete Cookies for Individual Websites

iPad SafariClearCookies
Clearing out cookies and data in a web browser can often be a useful thing to do, and the same holds true on mobile web browsers like Safari that we use on the iPad. This can come in handy when a website is not performing as expected, or when it fails to recognize that you are logged in or out, or in a number of different scenarios.
It’s easy to clear out all cookies and website data for the iPad’s Safari browser. You go to the Settings app, tap on Safari, tap on ‘Clear Cookies and Data’ and confirm the action when prompted.
What I hadn’t realized until today, when I saw this handy tip shared by Kelly Hodgkins at TUAW, is that you can also choose to just get rid of cookies and data for specific websites – and this is also very easy to do.

Here’s how to delete cookies and data for individual websites on the iPad:
– Go to Settings > Safari.
– Tap on the Advanced bar down at the bottom of the Safari pane
– Then tap on ‘Website Data’ on the Advanced pane. That will present you with a screen that looks something like this:
You’ll see a listing of websites. Swipe left on the listing item for any of them and you’ll see the Delete button. Tap on that Delete button and the job is done – you’ve removed data held by that individual site.
Happy iPad web surfing.