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How to Remove Everything and Reinstall Windows 8 [Step-by-Step]


How to Remove Everything and Reinstall Windows 8 [Step-by-Step]

Push-Button Reset: Sometimes when we event on a problem or blunder messages that we can't understand, it is usually best start from scratch, purify out a tough expostulate and reinstall Windows to a default bureau state, than perplexing to find a solution. This was in a past somewhat not an easy charge and time-consuming, though now with Windows 8, a routine of liberation is easier, quicker, and we don’t even need a designation DVD or USB media. That is conclude to Remove Everything and Reinstall Windows underline that comes built-in a handling system.
It is value observant that Windows 8 also has another identical underline called “Refresh your PC though inspiring your files” that we formerly walked we through.

The difference

  • Remove everything: Basically all a user’s files get securely erased, also PC settings and apps are removed, a uninformed duplicate of Windows gets reinstalled, and Windows starts a Out of Box Experience (OOBE). – For this operation information backup is critical.
  • Refresh your PC: Here all user’s personal files, Windows 8 apps and critical settings are kept and a uninformed duplicate of Windows is reinstall.
The many conspicuous advantages about Remove Everything (a.k.a Reset Your PC) is that a tough expostulate gets wiped out securely, deletion apps, personal files and all PC settings, and reinstalling a uninformed duplicate of Windows of course, bringing a PC to a bureau defaults configuration. Which is ideal if we are donating, recycling, or usually simply removing absolved off a PC though giving divided personal information such as bank accounts, passwords, taxes, etc.


1 Use a Windows 8 Key +I keyboard by-pass to pierce a Settings menu and click Change PC settings.
2 From a PC settings menu, navigate by General and click Get Started under Remove all [...]
Win 8 Control Panel - PC settings
3 Click Next in a Reset your PC notification.
Win8 Reset notifacation
4 Important: Choose Just mislay my files if we to simply wish Windows to undo your personal files or use Fully purify a drive that firmly deletes all data.
Win 8 notifcation firmly erase
5 In a subsequent presentation simply click Reset to start a process.
Reset button
It is value observant that both Push-Button Reset facilities are unequivocally fast. If your mechanism is code new with good hardware designed for Windows 8, Microsoft’s opening research shows that many PC Reset operations should take reduction than 10 minutes, and a PC Refresh should take underneath 20 minutes. Pretty amazing, review to Windows 7, that achieved a purify implement in reduction than 30 minutes and that was a vital improvement. But that did not embody creation a backup first, implement updates, restoring your data, installing other drives, if any, or reconfiguring Windows settings — With Windows 8, we will not have to spend a whole weekend to revive your PC.

You’re roughly done!

6 Click Accept in a permit agreement to continue.
7 In Personalize, collect an ambient color, enter a PC name and click Next.
Win 8 Personalize options
8 Next is Settings, for this beam we will use a defaults Microsoft settings — If need assistance regulating a tradition settings impute to this prior essay –. Click Use demonstrate settings to continue.
Express settings
9 In Sign in to your PC, Microsoft is pulling for users to sign-in regulating a Microsoft account, though we can still use a aged internal account, to do this click a couple Sign in though a Microsoft account.
MS comment Win 8 signin
10 Click Local account to continue.
Local comment Win 8
11 Enter your user name and cue credentials, and click Finish.
Password and username
Win 8 will finish your settings and finally we will go by a Microsoft’s brief Windows 8 tutorial, before we are presented with a Start screen.
Noticeably this Push-Button Reset judgment is a jump brazen from the aged days where we indispensable to unequivocally ready and have a low bargain of what was concerned in a process. Now we can do this during any indicate on time. Of course, we can always try to Refresh your PC first, if something goes wrong.
Many people will contend that these new facilities are not a finish liberation solution. And that is distinct opinion, since today, we can't save normal desktop programs such as Photoshop, VMware, Office, etc., while rescuing a PCs. But as we pierce forward, many program developers will pier their programs to a new Windows 8 app indication (or should we say: Windows Blue model), and if this chronicle of Microsoft’s handling complement takes-off, shortly many business associated programs will usually be used by tech savvy and business users, that rest heavily on IT support. This means that a Refresh and Reset features, brew with other kind of information backup will form a really plain liberation solution. For example: File History and tradition complement liberation image.
Even after a fact that many users will have to manually reinstall and update various Windows desktop programs, regulating one of a new extraordinary liberation collection in Windows 8, everybody will conclude removing behind to what’s critical faster than ever before.

Incoming search terms:

  • windows 8 can\t refresh pc
  • windows 8 remove everything and reinstall windows