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Make BisonCam work on Windows Vista


Make BisonCam work on Windows Vista

I had a problem installing the BisonCam Driver on my ASUS Laptop running Windows Vista, The XP driver didn’t work at all and I expected that…
This is how I got it working…
Download the driver from MSI and install it.
Then you need to Reboot. Do NOT avoid to reboot because you are too lazy, otherwise it won’t work!
After that, you need to make some registry modifications. Easy way to do it is to copy the registry code into notepad and save it as a .reg file. After that, just double click the .reg file and apply the registry modification. (Copy the code in between Registry Info tag)
The Cam might show the picture as upside down, All you got to do is a Verticle Flip, Its on the Option ==> Video Capture Filter ==> Rotation
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00