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How to Hide file and Data in computer.


How to Hide file and Data in computer.

This tutorial i want sahre a very important tips with you. How to hide very important files and data form other user in computer.Few data can secure to other user but if you have more data like 100-200 GB but this is very large that can not be hide with simple idea . So learn this useful  tips ......

Follow some step to secure your data and file from other user...

* First You will need to be logged into your computer as a administrater .

* Then click on start button and click on "RUN" menu .

* Now type CMD on run window as below image...

*Then press enter to open command window.

*Now type diskpart on the blinking cursor and wait for 5 seconds to appear diskpart> utility.

*To show the list of volume, type list volume command after the diskpart> prompt, this command will show you all system drives detail.

 *Now first select the volume that you want to hide, for example, 

*if you need to hide F drive then first type select volume 2 (in this case) and press enter button.  

*After loading volume, type remove letter F (in this case) to hide F drive. 

Now exit from command prompt and open My Computer to verify drives. 
But next time, when you want to unhide the D drive, just run assign drive F command after loading volume 2.