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How To Boost Youtube Performance in Mozilla Firefox 2012


How To Boost Youtube Performance in Mozilla Firefox 2012

Good Morning To All Friends. Hope you all are fine. today i will learn you how can you boost youtube performance in firefox or in other browsers like as internet explorer , Opera ,Safari etc. So guys follow the given below steps for doing this ...
1. First you open your firefox browser and in the adress bar type  "about:config" And hit enter.

2. When you will hit enter then you will get a warning message , Just you ignore it  and click
on I'll be careful, I promise.
3. Then in the filter text entry bar, type "browser.sessionstore.interval
Just Double click on it and change its value to 120000.
 Speedbit Video Accelerator Software to Boost youtube performance in all other browsers:-  
             Download Here 

So guys . I Hope you have enjoy my latest hacking tips .. Kindly Share this tips with your friends