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How To Fix Windows Registry Error


How To Fix Windows Registry Error

Registry: What is it?

The dependency of an individual to the computer is uncontested. We use computer for almost everything in our lives today. But, have we ever wondered where the central settings & configurations of this omnipotent Computer get saved? “Registry”! Registry is a warehouse of an ocean of saved settings & configurations that is coded into computer language and made available for processing to the CPU. So, every setting that one does to the PC is saved into the Registry; be it the Windows appearance setting or the Network speed adjustments.
Registry Cleaner
Registry Cleaner

What are Registry Errors?

There are several instances when the PC freezes while your car is about to touch the finish line in the game, or slows down considerably when downloading a critical file for official use. Sometimes, it is just not possible to open an application or get rid of an erroneous dialog box that constantly flashes on the screen. A majority of these problems are caused due to error in the Registry. These errors originate from the remnants of a deleted application or the accumulation of defunct cookies or other files. These are the errors that contribute to the sluggishness of the PC free window registry repair or even its total break-down. Hence, it is imperative to get rid of it in a timely manner.

How to clean Registry errors?

Window Registry is a technical space of the computer which requires one to be knowledgeable of the different files and their exact location. Deleting any other file inadvertently could cause the important computer processes to get hampered and probably could even lead to computer break-down. Hence, it is not recommended to clean the registry manually. The consequences could be fatal to the computer. There are a lot of softwares available in the Internet market that offers excellent service at cleaning the Registry. Many of these are freely available and make sure that all the unused, redundant, files or entries are deleted, helping computer stay healthy.

Which Registry Cleaner Software to use?

Although there are a host of softwares available in the market, there is a limited number of softwares that are reliable and deemed fit to be doing the stated work. A reliable registry cleaner would carry with it a “safe backup” feature- this will enable the registry to swap back to the present registry if some error happens- and avoid causing your PC to crash in case any important file gets mishandled. So, it is recommended to go for softwares that provide one with such features.

What are some of the examples of such software?

CCleaner, Registry Clean Expert, Registry Healer, etc. Although, there have been positive consumer feedbacks about these softwares, it is highly recommended to the user to go through different softwares available and select the best that suits him/her. Different softwares provide users with different features. Some software provides limited functionality in trial version and full functionality in purchased version.

How often should I clean my Registry?

It is advisable to clean the registry error using your trusted software in about a week. It will help free one’s computer’s database from several mismanaged entries and get one free space to get rid of irritable errors or slow functioning.

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